System Overview

CAIS Computers

Personal Computer: HP Compaq 8200Elite US/CT
CAIS computers are thin-clients that do NOT have any disk drives and download disk images from boot servers. You can use up to 1GB of storage space on a network drive, called Z drive. Please refer to the link following the list of installed softwares to the CAIS computers.
Network Laser Printer: Ricoh IPSIO SP8200,SP6330
The printer is only available A4 monochrome printing.
The CAIS Computer Specification
OS Windows 7 Enterprise (32bit)
CPU Intel Pentium G620 2.60GHz
Memory 4GB
HDD None
The CAIS Computer Information
GER: General Education Research
EHS: Education and Human Sciences
SHS: School of Health Sciences
Location Computers Printers
PC Room A, CAIS Bldg. B 51 1
PC Room B, CAIS Bldg. B 51 1
PC Cafe CAIS, CAIS Bldg. A 6 -
1st Multimedia Room, GER Bldg. D 55 1
2nd Multimedia Room, GER Bldg. D 55 1
3rd Multimedia Room, GER Bldg. D 55 1
IT Room, GER Bldg. D 50 2
Room B17, Fac. of Law and Economics Bldg. B 30 1
Fac. of Science 5 1
Room 196, Fac. of Agriculture Bldg. C 20 1
Room 301, Fac. of EHS Bldg. B 20 1
Multimedia Corner, University Library 87 3
Multimedia Hall, Medical and Dental Library 150 3
Faculty Library, Fac. of Dentisty Bldg. C 7 1
PC Room, Fac. of Medicine, SHS Bldg. C 45 2
Room D102, Fac. of Engineering Bldg. D 90 3

Main Servers

Faculty Mail Server
There are three faculty mail servers allocated at Ikarashi campus and two ones allocated at Asahimachi campus. The servers provide virtual e-mail hosting services to faculties.
Faculty Web Server
Faculty web server provides a virtual web hosting service to faculties, and allocates up to 10GB of strage space to every faculty.
DNS Server
There are four DNS servers allocated at Ikarashi campus and one DNS server allocated at Asahimachi campus. The DNS servers resolve domain names into associated IP addresses or otherwise, IP addresses into associated domain names.
Anti-Virus Server
There are three anti-virus servers allocated at Ikarashi campus and one backup server allocated at Asahimachi campus. The anti-virus servers are blocking infected emails and spam emails from inside and outside the university.
User Management Server
There is one user management server allocated at each campus. The servers are managing NIIGATA-U accounts and provides authentication services to the CAIS computers, VPN, and wireless connection services.
File Server
You can use up to 1GB of strage space.
Printing Management Server
Printing management server is managing a printing service and limits the number of prints allowed to 1000 papers per school year.

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